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Soldering Can Be Difficult.
Let's be honest, soldering doesn't come naturally. Starting from scratch or trying to transition from breadboards to soldering can be frustrating and can discourage from continued learning about electronics.
Now It's Fun And
Easy To Learn.
Our kits are specifically designed to be easy and fun for anyone ages 12 and up. Each kit teaches you how to solder custom, Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) and components!
What's Inside a Kit?
Instruction Cards
Our instruction cards have a matte, scratch-free finish and are easy to handle. Each card is packed with educational and fun information for completing the kit.
Education Cards
Each kit features hexagonal cards with important facts on useful components. Complexity varies with kit difficulty. Collect all of the cards to learn about electronics.
Circuit Boards
PCBs form the foundation of each kit and shape the project into a unique electronics design. They feature simple component and PCB connections for easier soldering.
Our kits have varying, new key components for growing electronics knowledge and challenges.
Batteries are included for immediate use and enjoyment of our kits. They are the kit's primary power source.
No Tools?
No Problem!
All of our kits offer a "Tools Included" option. If selected, you receive a soldering iron, diagonal cutter, PCB holder, solder, sponge, and different soldering iron tips. Everything you need to solder and more can be purchased right here with no hassle.